
Higher frequency cannabis use tied to demographic factors

(HealthDay)—Higher frequency cannabis use is more common among young and racial minority populations, and individuals with low socioeconomic status, according to a study published online Nov. 30 in JAMA Network Open.


Non-invasive brain stimulation may reduce smoking

A new systematic review of randomized controlled trials has found evidence that non-invasive brain stimulation may reduce smoking frequency (number of cigarettes per day) in nicotine-dependent smokers. 

Radiology & Imaging

MRI images: More efficient, quieter and faster

Magnetic resonance imaging has become an indispensable tool for medical diagnostics. Using metamaterials—printed circuit boards whose properties can be systematically adjusted—can increase measurement sensitivity by a ...


How brain rhythms organize our visual perception

To investigate how information of different visual features is processed in the brain, the neuroscientists from the German Primate Center—Leibniz Institute of Primate Research in Göttingen, Germany, the Iran University ...

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