
WHO urges price hikes on sugary drinks in obesity fight

The UN health agency on Tuesday urged countries to start taxing sugary beverages as they fight against an obesity epidemic, pointing to evidence that price hikes can dramatically reduce consumption.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New strategy may help prevent kidney failure in patients with diabetes

A new strategy may help halt the progression of kidney disease in patients with diabetes. The approach, which is highlighted in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN), addresses a common ...


China facing epidemic of heart disease, stroke

A 20-year rise in cardiovascular disease (CVD) in China appears to have been spurred largely by increases in high blood pressure, according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Increasing body mass ...

Medical research

Study sheds light on gender differences in diabetes and aging

All's not fair in love and glucose intolerance - overweight men are more prone to get type 2 diabetes than are overweight women. The same phenomena holds true in mice and no one know why. Researchers at the Buck Institute ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study details stress-diabetes link

A Rice University study has found a link between emotional stress and diabetes, with roots in the brain's ability to control anxiety.

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