
Exercise away diabetes risk

A QUT study will investigate the impact of different exercise strategies for men at-risk of developing diabetes.


Onion extract may improve high blood sugar and cholesterol

The extract of onion bulb, Allium cepa, strongly lowered high blood glucose (sugar) and total cholesterol levels in diabetic rats when given with the antidiabetic drug metformin, according to a new study. The study results ...


Daily menu plan reduces blood sugar significantly

A large group of people with diabetes who followed a menu plan created by University of Alberta nutrition researchers for just three months significantly reduced their blood sugar levels.


Aflibercept in diabetic macular oedema: Added benefit not proven

Since August 2014, aflibercept (trade name Eylea) has been available also for patients with visual impairment due to diabetic macular oedema (DMO). The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) examined ...


Program improves diabetes control in world's poorest children

A nonprofit program that brings diabetes care and education to some of the world's poorest children has successfully improved control of the disease, according to a University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health ...

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