
Vitamin D does not improve glycemic control in prediabetes

(HealthDay)—Supplementation with vitamin D does not appear to improve glycemic indices or cardiovascular risk factors in individuals with prediabetes, according to research published online June 19 in Diabetes Care.


HIV drug can also protect injection drug users (Update)

Doctors should consider giving a daily AIDS drug to another high risk group to help prevent infections—people who shoot heroin, methamphetamines or other injection drugs, U.S. health officials said Wednesday.


Regular marijuana use by teens continues to be a concern

Continued high use of marijuana by the nation's eighth, 10th and 12th graders combined with a drop in perceptions of its potential harms was revealed in this year's Monitoring the Future survey, an annual survey of eighth, ...


US Hispanics at high risk for cardiovascular disease

In a study that involved more than 16,000 Hispanic/Latino men and women living in the United States, the prevalence of major cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors was high and varied markedly across different background ...

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