Oncology & Cancer

PSA test often occurs without discussion of benefits, harms

(HealthDay)—Fewer than one in three men screened with the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for prostate cancer talked about the risks and benefits of the test with their doctor, according to a study published online ...


Death rates up for middle age whites with little education

A sobering portrait of less-educated middle-age white Americans emerged Thursday with new research showing them dying disproportionately from what one expert calls "deaths of despair"—suicides, drug overdoses and alcohol-related ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Is dementia on the decline? Research suggests it might be

Despite fears that the coming silver tsunami will trigger a dementia epidemic, a surprising new study suggests that it may be possible to delay - or even prevent - some kinds of dementia.


One in five younger Americans tested for HIV

(HealthDay)—Nearly one-fifth of teens and younger adults in the United States have been tested recently for HIV, federal health officials reported Tuesday.


Does smoking hamper treatment for alcohol abuse?

A new study has shown that smoking can inhibit the success of treatment for alcohol abuse, putting people who are addicted to both tobacco and alcohol in a double bind.

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