Psychology & Psychiatry

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Back-to-school mental health tips

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Our daughter has attended school virtually for the past five years and enjoyed the experience. Now that she is heading into ninth grade, she wants a more traditional high school experience. However, she ...

Attention deficit disorders

Study highlights multiple factors of ADHD medication use

Youth who take Ritalin, Adderall or other stimulant medications for ADHD over an extended period of time early in life are no more at risk for substance abuse in later adolescence than teens without ADHD, according to a University ...


Nationwide study on teen 'sexting' has good news, bad news

The good news is that adolescent "sexting" is not at epidemic levels as reported in some media headlines. The bad news is that it also has not decreased despite preventive efforts by educators and others. Most commonly, the ...

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