
Prediabetes linked to higher heart attack risk in young adults

Young adults with higher than normal blood sugar levels that signal prediabetes were more likely to be hospitalized for heart attack compared to their peers with normal blood sugar levels, according to in preliminary research ...


Researchers investigate how opioid use affects offspring in rats

New research from scientists at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University suggests opioid use before pregnancy—even if not used during pregnancy itself—could result in a higher likelihood that a mother's ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Keeping your brain sharp isn't about working more puzzles

Mental decline is one of the most feared aspects of growing older. People will do just about anything to prevent it, from swallowing supplements touted as memory boosters to spending hours solving Sudoku and crossword puzzles.


High-sugar diet can damage the gut, intensifying risk for colitis

Mice fed diets high in sugar developed worse colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and researchers examining their large intestines found more of the bacteria that can damage the gut's protective mucus layer.

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