Russia warns of two million HIV carriers in five years

Russia's AIDS epidemic is worsening and at least two million people are likely to be infected with HIV in about five years as the virus increasingly affects the heterosexual population, the country's top AIDS specialist said ...


HIV not as infectious soon after transmission as thought (Update)

People who recently have been infected with HIV may not be as highly infectious as previously believed, a finding that could improve global efforts to prevent HIV transmission and save lives. In particular, the finding bolsters ...


Why do new strains of HIV spread slowly

Most HIV epidemics are still dominated by the first strain that entered a particular population. New research published in PLOS Computational Biology offers an explanation of why the global mixing of HIV variants is so slow.


Cell-associated HIV mucosal transmission: The neglected pathway

Dr. Deborah Anderson from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and her colleagues are challenging dogma about the transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Most research has focused on infection ...


Research suggests ability of HIV to cause AIDS is slowing

The rapid evolution of HIV, which has allowed the virus to develop resistance to patients' natural immunity, is at the same time slowing the virus's ability to cause AIDS, according to new research funded by the Wellcome ...


World must speed up AIDS fight to end scourge: UN

The world can end AIDS as a global health threat by 2030, but must bolster its efforts now or risk the virus spiralling back out of control, a UN report said Tuesday.

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