In Washington, free HIV-AIDS testing while you wait

Faced with the highest HIV-AIDS rates in the United States, community health activists in the nation's capital have come up with a novel way for people to save their own lives while killing time.


UN warns over threat of AIDS rebound

South African actress Charlize Theron threw her weight Tuesday behind an urgent new UN campaign to end AIDS as a global health threat by 2030.


Concern as HIV cases rise 8% in Australia

Research on Wednesday showed HIV infections in Australia jumped eight percent last year and 50 percent in the past decade, which health activists said was a "call to action".


Stigma for Central America's HIV-positive kids

Four-year-old Carlos, who makes a lengthy trip every two weeks with his teenage aunt to a special clinic in El Salvador's capital, has no notion of the cruel stigma that comes with his HIV diagnosis.


Study explores how to tell children they have HIV

For the past two years, Rachel King, PhD, MPH, an academic coordinator at UCSF Global Health Sciences, has been helping Ugandan parents and caregivers find developmentally appropriate ways to tell their children that the ...


France okays home tests for HIV

Self-testing HIV kits will go on sale in France next year under a strategy aimed at reducing the spread of the virus causing AIDS, Health Minister Marisol Touraine said on Thursday.

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