
Full-term gestational age tied to development at 12 months

(HealthDay)—For healthy full-term infants, development at age 12 months is associated with gestational age, with scores increasing for each additional week of gestation, according to a study published online April 15 in ...

Overweight & Obesity

Crowdsourced study finds keys to slim adulthood

(Medical Xpress)—Remember that slim kid in school – the one with the cook-from-scratch mom and a large circle of friends? He's likely one of the fittest dudes at your high school reunion.


Team approach may reduce readmissions due to falls in seniors

A comprehensive care program that involves a team of specialists from multiple medical disciplines for treating injuries sustained from falls in older adults could help reduce hospital readmissions, according to researchers ...


Where Black adolescents live affects their mental health

It's easy to imagine that growing up in a neighborhood with safe and clean parks, little to no discrimination, and where people are not struggling financially makes for a lower-stress childhood. In contrast, neighborhoods ...

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