Medical research

Understanding a missing link in how antidepressants work

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich have now identified a new functional link between the established depression risk factor FKBP51 and epigenetic changes. This new link improves our understanding ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Back to school program helps kids manage middle school challenges

While some parents are eagerly preparing for the first day of kindergarten, others are bracing themselves for a major change in their pre-teens' lives—middle school. As kids transition into middle school, they are dealing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness helps teens cope with stress, anxiety

As the morning school bell rings and students rush through crowded corridors, teenagers in one Portland classroom settle onto mats and meditation pillows. They fall silent after the teacher taps a Tibetan "singing bowl."


Season's eatings

'Tis the season of plenty of food and drink. While celebrating should be joyful, for some women, it's not. All the holiday temptations can add another layer to an already complicated biological process.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mom's prenatal hardship turns baby's genes on and off

In January 1998 five days of freezing rain collapsed the electrical grid of the Canadian province of Québec. The storm left more than 3 million people without electricity for anywhere from a few hours to 45 days – one ...


Estrogen: Not just produced by the ovaries

A University of Wisconsin-Madison research team reports today that the brain can produce and release estrogen—a discovery that may lead to a better understanding of hormonal changes observed from before birth throughout ...

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