Psychology & Psychiatry

New vision on amygdala after study on testosterone and fear

The activity of the emotion centres in the brain – the amygdalae – is influenced by motivation rather than by the emotions themselves. This can be concluded from research carried out at Radboud University into the hormone ...


Should men cut back on their soy intake?

Recently, a friend called my husband to inquire about the risks for men in consuming too much soy milk. He had read an article that described how one individual's plight led him down the path of breast enlargement, and was ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hormone level predicts how the brain processes social information

The hormone oxytocin is made at different levels in different people and it plays a role in regulating social behavior. A new University of Virginia study involving brain imaging finds that people with naturally higher levels ...

Medical research

Can our bones protect us against diabetes and obesity?

A team of researchers at the IRCM led by Mathieu Ferron, PhD, in collaboration with researchers at Columbia University, discovered a new function of the skeleton associated with diabetes and obesity. The scientific breakthrough, ...


New study helps explain links between sleep loss and diabetes

Lack of sleep can elevate levels of free fatty acids in the blood, accompanied by temporary pre-diabetic conditions in healthy young men, according to new research published online February 19, 2015, in Diabetologia, the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress during pregnancy related to infant gut microbiota

Women who experience stress during pregnancy are likely to have babies with a poor mix of intestinal microbiota and with a higher incidence of intestinal problems and allergic reactions. This could be related to psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Testosterone helps to bind antidepressants in the brain

Female sex hormones have a strong effect on the psyche. This has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies and by phenomena such as the "baby blues", a bout of low mood following childbirth, or recurrent mood swings that ...

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