
Menstruation doesn't change how your brain works—period

A new study published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience today is setting out to change the way we think about the menstrual cycle. While it's often been assumed that anyone who's menstruating isn't working at top mental ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

First physiological test for schizophrenia and depression

Researchers have found a new way of using proteins in nerve cells to identify people with depression and schizophrenia. The method, reported in Experimental Physiology, will help identify people whose depression or schizophrenia ...

Medical research

Simpler fertility test is basis for promising UW-Madison spinoff

Doubts about their ability to become pregnant affect as many as 25 percent of American women, and solving that problem is the basic business plan for BluDiagnostics. Although the startup company was born in the University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Oxytocin helps to better overcome fear

Frightening experiences do not quickly fade from memory. A team of researchers under the guidance of the University of Bonn Hospital has now been able to demonstrate in a study that the bonding hormone oxytocin inhibits the ...

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