Psychology & Psychiatry

First physiological test for schizophrenia and depression

Researchers have found a new way of using proteins in nerve cells to identify people with depression and schizophrenia. The method, reported in Experimental Physiology, will help identify people whose depression or schizophrenia ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Thyroid problems linked to irregular heart rhythm

People with an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) carry a greater risk of developing irregular heart rhythm (known as atrial fibrillation) than those with normal thyroid function, finds a study published on BMJ today.

Medical research

Experts warn red wine could mask testosterone levels

(Medical Xpress)—Red wine could give athletes and players a boost in the sports arena by increasing the amount of performance-enhancing hormone testosterone in their bodies, according to researchers from London's Kingston ...


GMO in sport: Genetically Modified Olympians?

As athletes get ready to smash Olympic records in London, scientists are in a high-stakes race of their own to develop a test that will unmask anyone altering their genes in a desperate quest for gold.

Oncology & Cancer

Chemotherapy can impair speech

Patients who have received high doses of chemotherapy may find it harder to express themselves verbally, according to new research from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Speech difficulties ...


New blood test could save lives of heart attack victims

Researchers from the Herring group in Oxford's Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics have developed a blood test that measures stress hormone levels after heart attacks. The test—costing just £10—could ensure ...

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