
Japanese woman dies after 150 giant hornet stings

A wheelchair-bound 87-year-old pensioner who was attacked by giant hornets in Japan and stung 150 times has died, a firefighter said Friday, as emergency workers stood by powerless to help her.


'Killer hornets' leave 42 dead in China: Xinhua

Swarms of hornets have killed 42 people in northwestern China in recent months, state media said Thursday, as temperatures rise and development drives the stinging insects into cities.


Hornets are the largest eusocial wasps; some species can reach up to 5.5 cm (2.2 in) in length. The true hornets make up the genus Vespa and are distinguished from other vespines by the width of the vertex (part of the head behind the eyes), which is proportionally larger in Vespa and by the anteriorly rounded gasters (the section of the abdomen behind the wasp waist).

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