Obstetrics & gynaecology

Home births as safe as hospital births: International study

A large international study led by McMaster University shows that low risk pregnant women who intend to give birth at home have no increased chance of the baby's perinatal or neonatal death compared to other low risk women ...


Home birth may start babies off with health-promoting microbes

For all of human history, babies have been born where their mothers lived—whether in a house, hut or cave. Only in the last century has birth moved out of the home and into the hospital. How has that changed the types of ...


Early term infants less likely to breastfeed

A new, prospective study provides evidence that "early term" infants (those born at 37-38 weeks) are less likely than full-term infants to be breastfeed within the first hour and at one month after birth. The early-term infants ...


Keeping very low birth weight babies warm

Physician-researchers at the 2019 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting in Baltimore presented their process of how from 2014 to 2017 they made their NICU a center of excellence for increasing the admission body temperature ...

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