Medical economics

Macron announces changes to France's health care system

French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday unveiled plans to make France's health care system, considered one of the best in the world, more efficient and sustainable for the next 50 years.


More hospital doctors are opting to retire early

Hospital doctors in England and Wales are increasingly choosing to take early retirement, figures released to The BMJ by the NHS Business Services Authority in response to a freedom of information request show.

Medical economics

Patients, doctors dissatisfied by Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records are intended to streamline and improve access to information—and have been shown to improve quality of care—but a new study shows they also leave both doctors and patients unsatisfied, even after ...


Toddler Alfie Evans' parents say they'll work with doctors

The father of terminally ill toddler Alfie Evans said Thursday that he would work with doctors to give his son "dignity and comfort," as he called for a truce in a divisive case that has pitted doctors and the British courts ...

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