Medical research

Study reveals how diabetes drug delays ageing in worms

A widely prescribed type 2 diabetes drug slows down the ageing process by mimicking the effects of dieting, according to a study published today using worms to investigate how the drug works.

Medical research

Wild animals allow new insights into the skin microbiome

In recent decades, under the harmful influence of western lifestyles, the diversity of the microbial colonization of the body has decreased significantly. This 'impoverished' microbiome has led to a sharp increase in so-called ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New TB treatment limits infection while reducing drug resistance

It's estimated that nearly one-third of the world's population -- more than two billion people -- are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to the World Health Organization, 5 to 10 percent of infected people ...


A worm's-eye view of immunity

In 1998, scientists published the first complete genome of a multicellular organism—the worm Caenorhabditis elegans. At the same time, new technologies were emerging to help researchers manipulate genes and learn more about ...

Medical research

Discovery may aid vaccine design for common form of malaria

A form of malaria common in India, Southeast Asia and South America attacks human red blood cells by clamping down on the cells with a pair of proteins, new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis ...

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