Medical research

Chlamydia's stealthy cloaking device identified

Chlamydia, the leading cause of sexually transmitted bacterial infections, evades detection and elimination inside human cells by use of a cloaking device. But Duke University researchers have grasped the hem of that invisibility ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Non-optimal codons enable coronaviruses' promiscuity

Since March 2020 the Cancer Genomics and BioComputing of Complex Diseases Laboratory at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan University has been dedicated to the study of COVID-19. Motivated in particular to study ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers trace coronavirus outbreak in China to snakes

Emerging viral infections—from bird flu to Ebola to Zika infections—pose major threats to global public health, and understanding their origins can help investigators design defensive strategies against future outbreaks. ...

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