
Robot an effective pain management tool for premature babies

Researchers at the University of British Columbia, BC Children's Hospital, the British Columbia Institute of Technology, and BC Women's Hospital + Health Centre have designed a therapeutic robot that simulates human skin-to-skin ...


IVF birth weights increased over 25 years

A new study led by University of Manchester scientists has revealed that babies born by In Vitro Fertilisation at St Mary's Hospital in Manchester have increased in birth weight by nearly 200g over the past 25 years.


'CRISPR babies': What does this mean for science and Canada?

In the wake of the announcement in China last November of the first 'CRISPR babies', Prof. Bartha Knoppers and researcher Erika Kleiderman from McGill's Centre of Genomics and Policy (CGP) have published a commentary article ...


Stopping superbugs with friendly microbes

Newborn Baby Jane in Sacramento, California, might have access to the best, most modern medical care, but she's likely missing something else: Friendly gut microbes. Uniquely adapted to human breast milk, these microbes provide ...


When a common cold may trigger early supportive care

Human rhinovirus (HRV), the culprit behind most colds, is the leading cause of hospitalization for premature babies. However, in very preterm children, exactly how HRV causes severe respiratory disease—and which patients ...

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