Psychology & Psychiatry

Young babies don't experience tickles in the way you think they do

When you tickle the toes of newborn babies, the experience for them isn't quite as you would imagine it to be. That's because, according to new evidence reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on October 19, infants ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Babies time their smiles to make their moms smile in return

Why do babies smile when they interact with their parents? Could their smiles have a purpose? In the Sept. 23 issue of PLOS ONE, a team of computer scientists, roboticists and developmental psychologists confirm what most ...

Medical research

Gut feeling restored by growth outside the body

University of Manchester scientists have bridged a gap between two separate pieces of small intestine kept alive outside the body, in an advance which could have implications for surgery in human adults and babies.


The battle for control of the growing breast milk industry

It could trade for 400 times more than the price of crude oil and 2,000 times more than iron ore. If sold off the shelf, it could cost more than 150 times the price of a gallon of cow's milk and 15 times more than coffee.


Key dates in embryonic research

Britain's House of Commons votes Tuesday on allowing the use of donated DNA to create so-called "three-parent" babies to overcome mitochondrial diseases—disorders handed down along the maternal line.

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