
Study finds extreme mortality rate in Central African Republic

A new study by public health researchers presents stark evidence that the Central African Republic (CAR) is experiencing a severe health and humanitarian emergency, with what is likely the highest measured nationwide mortality ...


Genetics of preterm birth and pregnancy length clarified

New knowledge of the genetic factors behind premature delivery and gestational duration has now emerged. Findings presented by a major international study under the aegis of the University of Gothenburg include the ways in ...


Newborn babies' brains reveal new insights in child development

Researchers publishing in Nature Human Behaviour, looked at how different (asymmetrical) the left and right side of babies' brains were in terms of their shape and patterns of brain activity to establish a benchmark for future ...


Another promising step toward non-hormonal male contraceptives

Despite birth control existing for decades, almost none of the options specifically target sperm cells. Researchers are now developing approaches that target testosterone or otherwise interrupt the sperm's ability to fertilize ...

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