
Ask the Pediatrician: Just how dangerous is underage drinking?

With so many other issues affecting young people right now, teen alcohol use may not seem like that big of a deal. You might recall your own early experiences and figure that some drinking can be expected. But when we look ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Smacking young children has long-lasting effects

Children who have adverse experiences such as being smacked at the age of three are more likely to suffer from poor mental health and have behavioral problems through to age 14, according to a study led by UCL researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Early parental program improves long-term childhood outcomes

Children whose parents participated in a prenatal program aimed at enhancing couples' co-parenting relationship were better adjusted at age seven than children whose parents were assigned to a control group, according to ...


Gene deletion affects early language and brain white matter

(June 27, 2013) – A chromosomal deletion is associated with changes in the brain's white matter and delayed language acquisition in youngsters from Southeast Asia or with ancestral connections to the region, said an international ...

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