Medical research

Meet the alpacas that could cure autism, Alzheimer's and cancer

Alpacas aren't the typical animals that drivers spot as they wind their way through rural Tennessee, but there's a happy herd of them outside Waverly, where they eat the finest pellets, walk up and down a scenic hill and ...


Toddler brains resist learning from screens, even video chat

Little ones may be fascinated by the cartoon character or person on TV asking them questions and pausing for a response. But science shows that children under the age of 30 months don't tend to learn from such encounters.


Some personal beliefs and morals may stem from genetics

A new baby is often welcomed with speculation about whether they got their eyes and nose from mom or dad, but researchers say it may be possible for children to inherit their parents' moral characteristics, as well.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers discover solutions to gender bias in autism diagnoses

A multidisciplinary study published in Biological Psychiatry and led by the University of Minnesota demonstrated that an equal number of girls and boys can be identified as having concerns for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ...

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