
In the brain, winning is everywhere

Winning may not be the only thing, but the human brain devotes a lot of resources to the outcome of games, a new study by Yale researchers suggest.


Researchers connect gene to pre-Alzheimer's

(Medical Xpress) -- Cornell scientists have shown a significant correlation for the first time between a human gene and people's risk for mild cognitive impairment (MCI), often a precursor to Alzheimer's disease and related ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Measuring body language to trace emotions

Is it possible to decode how we feel from our movements? How can emotions be studied "from the outside" by using empirical methods? To answer these questions, a large international and interdisciplinary research team led ...

Medical research

Your dog may have an anti-aging drug before you do

Before we have an anti-aging drug for humans, we're likely to have one for dogs. Multiple clinical trials are currently underway to test potential anti-aging compounds on dogs, since our best friends have become a popular ...

Medical research

Dogs may provide new insights into human aging and cognition

The quest to understand intelligence and unravel the workings of the mind has always been considered the holy grail of natural sciences. While we're still uncovering many mysteries, animals can provide valuable insights into ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding the psychology of what lies behind irrational opinions

Most people, at one time or another, act foolishly. However, truly ignorant individuals exhibit a lack of introspection and stubbornly cling to their opinions, regardless of how irrational they may be. These people demonstrate ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Is your blood aging your brain? It might increase your dementia risk

By 2050, the global population of adults 60 and older will approximately double, leading to upward of 153 million dementia cases. That's why University College Cork neuroscience professor Yvonne Nolan and Ph.D. student Sebastian ...

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