Medical research

Producing human-animal hybrid eggs for research found ethical

Scientists should not be prevented from creating human-animal chimeras to produce human eggs for research, according to Dr César Palacios-González, Centre of Medical Law and Ethics in The Dickson Poon School of Law at King's.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Number of Zika, dengue and chikungunya cases drop in Brazil

The number of cases of Zika, dengue and chikungunya reported in Brazil during the first 6 ½ weeks of the year is nearly 90 percent less than in the same period in 2016, the Health Ministry said Wednesday.

Medical research

New technique could double success of infertility treatment

Families struggling with infertility or a genetic predisposition for debilitating mitochondrial diseases may someday benefit from a new breakthrough led by scientists at OHSU and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.

Medical research

The mechanisms responsible for human egg aging

Yale School of Medicine researchers have identified the molecular pathways involved in the aging of human eggs. This research could eventually lead to treatments to correct age-related damage and improve fertility in women ...

Medical research

Radiant zinc fireworks reveal human egg quality

A stunning explosion of zinc fireworks occurs when a human egg is activated by a sperm enzyme, and the size of these "sparks" is a direct measure of the quality of the egg and its ability to develop into an embryo, according ...


Research holds promise for diabetics with vitamin D deficiency

A simple change in diet could boost vitamin D levels for millions of Americans suffering from Type 2 diabetes, according to new research from Iowa State University published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 

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