Psychology & Psychiatry

Human screams communicate at least six emotions

Human screams signal more than fear and are more acoustically diverse than previously thought, according to a study published April 13th 2021 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Sascha Frühholz of the University of ...


Mood neurons mature during adolescence

Researchers have discovered a mysterious group of neurons in the amygdala—a key center for emotional processing in the brain—that stay in an immature, prenatal developmental state throughout childhood. Most of these cells ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gasp! First audio map of oohs, aahs and uh-ohs spans 24 emotions

Ooh, surprise! Those spontaneous sounds we make to express everything from elation (woohoo) to embarrassment (oops) say a lot more about what we're feeling than previously understood, according to new UC Berkeley research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do people transmit happiness by smell?

As emotions go, happiness usually hides in plain sight: seen in a broad smile, heard in a raucous laugh, felt in a big hug.


Activation of a single neuron type can trigger eating

Activation of a single type of neuron in the prefrontal cortex can spur a mouse to eat more—a finding that may pinpoint an elusive mechanism the human brain uses to regulate food intake.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The knowing nose: Chemosignals communicate human emotions

(Medical Xpress)—Many animal species transmit information via chemical signals, but the extent to which these chemosignals play a role in human communication is unclear. In a new study published in Psychological Science, ...

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