Medical research

Sugar targets gut microbe linked to lean and healthy people

Sugar can silence a key protein required for colonization by a gut bacterium associated with lean and healthy individuals, according to a new Yale study published the week of Dec. 17 in the journal Proceedings of the National ...

Medical research

Commonly used drugs affect gut bacteria

One in four drugs with human targets inhibit the growth of bacteria in the human gut. These drugs cause antibiotic-like side-effects and may promote antibiotic resistance, EMBL researchers report in Nature on March 19.

Medical research

Gut microbes may influence multiple sclerosis progression

Researchers at UC San Francisco have identified specific gut microbes associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) in human patients, showing that these microbes take part in regulating immune responses in mouse models of the ...

Medical research

Sick or healthy? Bacterial metabolism tells us which—and why

The human gut is a complex ecosystem: Countless bacteria colonise it and help us to digest our food. Scientists from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with ...

Medical research

Gut model HuMiX works like the real thing

One of the most complex human organs is the digestive tract: Here, the body comes into contact with all manner of diet-derived compounds and with countless bacteria. Scientists from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine ...

Medical research

Lifestyle has a strong impact on intestinal bacteria

Everything you eat or drink affects your intestinal bacteria, and is likely to have an impact on your health. That is the finding of a large-scale study led by RUG/UMCG geneticist Cisca Wijmenga into the effect of food and ...

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