
Breastfeeding provides babies with iodine

Iodine is essential for the human body. This trace element is especially crucial for infants in order to ensure healthy development. Iodine deficiency can disrupt growth and damage the nervous system. In iodine-poor regions, ...


Eating 'beetroot bread' could lower risk of heart disease

(Medical Xpress)—New research from the University of Reading has shown that eating four slices of bread containing beetroot lowers blood pressure and improves the function of blood vessels, significantly improving heart ...


Studies examine fetal alcohol syndrome in South Africa

Two recently published studies report prevalence data about fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in South Africa and find that negative consequences of prenatal exposure to alcohol may be lessened if a child is provided ...


Gut taste mechanisms are abnormal in diabetes sufferers

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at the University of Adelaide have discovered that the way the gut "tastes" sweet food may be defective in sufferers of type 2 diabetes, leading to problems with glucose uptake.


New study shows pregnant women need to move more

(Medical Xpress)—It may not be enough for women to spend just 30 minutes a day on a treadmill or elliptical if they want to manage their weight during pregnancy. Regular exercise can help lessen back pain, increase energy ...

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