
Why do humans pig out?

Researchers from University of Copenhagen have discovered big differences in the variability of eating habits among pigs. The newly published study showed that for some (pigs with certain genetic variants) overeating was ...


Your finger's pulse holds the key to your heart's health

A University of Iowa physiologist has a new technique to measure the stiffness of the aorta, a common risk factor for heart disease. And it can be as simple as measuring the pulse in your finger.


New study shows pregnant women need to move more

(Medical Xpress)—It may not be enough for women to spend just 30 minutes a day on a treadmill or elliptical if they want to manage their weight during pregnancy. Regular exercise can help lessen back pain, increase energy ...

Overweight & Obesity

Gene variants linked to obesity

(HealthDay)—Variants of a gene are associated with overweight and obesity in psychiatric patients taking drugs that induce weight gain, as well in the general population, according to a study published online Aug. 7 in ...

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