
Genetic disposition protects immune system from aging

A genetic disposition that plays a role in the development of the heart in the embryo also appears to play a key role in the human immune system. This is shown by a recent study led by the University of Bonn (Germany). When ...


How the brain creates the experience of time

On some days, time flies by, while on others it seems to drag on. A new study from JNeurosci reveals why: time-sensitive neurons get worn out and skew our perceptions of time.


Scientists discover a new connection between the eyes and touch

Tiny eye movements can be used as an index of humans' ability to anticipate relevant information in the environment independent of the information's sensory modality, a team of scientists has found. The work reveals a connection ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers study sexual objectification in brain processes

What happens in the human brain when a woman is put on a par with an object? A study addressing this question was conducted at the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science and the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When pets are family, the benefits extend into society

There is a growing global trend to consider pets as part of the family. In fact, millions of people around the world love their pets, enjoying their companionship, going for walks, playing and even talking to them. And there ...

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