Medical research

Using a robotic shoulder to grow tendon tissue

A team of researchers from the University of Oxford and Devanthro GmbH has modified a robot shoulder to serve as a stretching mechanism in an effort to grow useful human tendon tissue. In their paper published in the journal ...

Inflammatory disorders

Small intestine contributes to chronic inflammation in obesity

Obesity is caused by numerous and complex factors, some of which are as yet unsuspected. Scientists from the CNRS, INSERM, UPMC and Université Paris Descartes, working with research clinicians from Paris Public Hospitals ...

Medical research

Conundrum solved over HPV link with head and neck cancer

A major international trial published in The Lancet Oncology has looked at studies from 13 head and neck cancer centers from nine countries around the world. Using the data of 7,895 patients, a research team has found that ...

Medical research

The First Cell: Jump-starting the global cancer revolution

"The First Cell" is the title of a revolutionary book written in 2019 by oncologist Azra Raza from the Columbia University Medical Center. In it, she calls for a radical shift in cancer funding away from its current predominant ...

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