
AI-supercharged neurotech threatens mental privacy: UNESCO

The combination of "warp speed" advances in neurotechnology, such as brain implants or scans that can increasingly peek inside minds, and artificial intelligence poses a threat to mental privacy, UNESCO warned on Thursday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding the mental health challenges of refugees

On 23 May, 2022, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) made an announcement that the number of people compelled to leave their homes due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations, and ...


Study finds extreme mortality rate in Central African Republic

A new study by public health researchers presents stark evidence that the Central African Republic (CAR) is experiencing a severe health and humanitarian emergency, with what is likely the highest measured nationwide mortality ...


Report: 119K people hurt by riot-control weapons since 2015

More than 119,000 people have been injured by tear gas and other chemical irritants around the world since 2015 and some 2,000 suffered injuries from "less lethal" impact projectiles, according to a report released Wednesday.

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