
UK ditches plans for vaccine passports at crowded venues

Authorities in Britain have decided not to require vaccine passports for entry into nightclubs and other crowded events in England, Britain's health secretary said Sunday, reversing course amid opposition from some of the ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

IVF ban lifted in Costa Rica—a success for reproductive rights?

The lack of access to reproductive rights in Latin America can have unanticipated consequences. The Zika virus outbreak, for example, highlights the need for reproductive rights. So does the alarming number of triplets, quadruplets, ...


China begins phasing out prisoner organs next year

China will start phasing out its reliance on organs from executed prisoners for transplants early next year as a new national donation system is implemented, a government-appointed expert has said.


Lawyers take Chinese organ-harvesting claims to Australia

Two Canadian lawyers came to Australia's Parliament House on Monday to urge lawmakers to pass a motion calling on China to immediately end the practice of what they say is organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience.


Ireland approves 'life-saving' abortions for first time

Irish lawmakers on Friday overwhelmingly approved abortion for the first time in limited cases where the mother's life is at risk, in a vote that revealed deep divisions in the predominantly Catholic nation.


Irish government to legalize life-saving abortion (Update)

Ireland's government pledged Tuesday to pass a law soon that will allow women to receive abortions if continued pregnancy threatens their lives—including from their own threats to commit suicide if denied one.

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