Psychology & Psychiatry

Why people have lateral preferences when kissing and hugging

Typically, a person will initiate a hug with the right hand. Similar preferences are also present in other forms of social touch. The question of handedness plays a role in the process. However, it is not the only relevant ...


Black women suffer most from tooth loss, Brazilian study finds

In Brazil, tooth loss is 19% more frequent among Black women than White men. Among women, it is 26% more frequent for Blacks than Whites. Among Blacks, self-defined on the basis of skin color, it is 14% more frequent for ...


AIDS deaths down a third since 2010: UN

HIV-related deaths last year fell to around 770,000—some 33 percent lower than in 2010—the United Nations said Tuesday, but warned that global efforts to eradicate the disease were stalling as funding dries up.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding the mental health challenges of refugees

On 23 May, 2022, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) made an announcement that the number of people compelled to leave their homes due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations, and ...


Should a COVID-19 vaccine be mandated?

Now that two drug makers—Pfizer and Moderna—have reported highly effective results for their COVID-19 vaccines, it will be only a matter of time until they seek federal permission to release them for public consumption. ...

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