
Great recession reflux amounts to more hunger among seniors

A new study that looked at the hunger trends over a 10-year period found that 14.85 percent of seniors in the United States, more than one in seven, face the threat of hunger. This translates into 8.3 million seniors.


New study shows that oatmeal can help you feel full longer

New research published in the Nutrition Journal reveals that calorie-for-calorie, even a serving of instant oatmeal is more filling than a ready-to-eat (RTE), oat-based cereal. Researchers found that eating a bowl of instant ...


Scientists discover how hunger boosts learning about food in mice

Over the last decade, investigators at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have been at the forefront of the effort to identify the small population of neurons deep within the brain that cause hunger, but precisely ...


Do you really need to eat breakfast?

(HealthDay)—When you were growing up, Mom might have told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But when you're an adult trying to lose weight, you may not need to eat breakfast if you're just not hungry ...

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