
A shared past for East Africa's hunter-gatherers

Languages that involve "clicks" are relatively rare worldwide but are spoken by several groups in Africa. The Khoisan language family includes a handful of these click languages, spoken by hunter-gatherer groups in southern ...

Medical research

Big, rapid gains made in human lifespan: study

(HealthDay)—It's said that life is short. But people living in developed countries typically survive more than twice as long as their hunter-gatherer ancestors did, making 72 the new 30, according to new research.


How living like a hunter-gatherer could improve your health

Many of us want to live long, happy and healthy lives. Yet it's often confusing to know the best way to achieve this, and many aspects of modern, westernized living conspire to keep us from achieving this goal.


Ancient genomes reveal immunity adaptation in early farmers

Research from the Francis Crick Institute published today in Current Biology has revealed that diversity in genes coding for immunity may have facilitated adaptation to farming lifestyles in prehistoric periods.

Overweight & Obesity

How human evolution busts myths about diet and exercise

Duke professor Herman Pontzer has spent his career counting calories. Not because he's watching his waistline, exactly. But because, as he sees it, "in the economics of life, calories are the currency." Every minute, everything ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Here's why we crave food even when we're not hungry

Food cravings are very familiar to most people. We may see or smell food and want to eat, or sometimes we suddenly feel like eating something delicious. These intense desires occur even when we're not hungry and can be very ...


Paleo fact and fiction: The key to being healthy

Humans have conquered smallpox and drastically reduced child mortality rates, yet we now face problems never seen before. Conditions like heart disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes pose serious threats to our health. How ...

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