
Researchers develop rapid test to detect dopamine

Dopamine, a neurotransmitter in our brains, not only regulates our emotions but also serves as a biomarker for the screening of certain cancers and other neurological conditions.

Attention deficit disorders

Study links melatonin secretion to ADHD symptoms in children

A study conducted by researchers from Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, in collaboration with several international institutions, has unveiled a critical link between melatonin secretion and the severity of ADHD (attention ...

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Hyperactivity can be described as a physical state in which a person is abnormally and easily excitable or exuberant. Strong emotional reactions, impulsive behavior, and sometimes a short span of attention are also typical for a hyperactive person. Some individuals may show these characteristics naturally, as personality differs from person to person. Nonetheless, when hyperactivity starts to become a problem for the person or others, it may be classified as a medical disorder. The slang term "hyper" is used to describe someone who is in a hyperactive state.

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