Oncology & Cancer

Hypnotherapy may offer real benefits for cancer patient care

Hypnotherapy could offer a host of benefits to cancer patients; however, a recent study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has highlighted the need for more education ...


Hypnotherapy is a therapy that is undertaken with a subject in hypnosis.

The word "hypnosis" (from the Greek hypnos, "sleep") is an abbreviation of James Braid's (1841) term "neuro-hypnotism", meaning "sleep of the nervous system".

A person who is hypnotized displays certain unusual characteristics and propensities, compared with a non-hypnotized subject, most notably hyper-suggestibility, which some authorities have considered a sine qua non of hypnosis. For example, Clark L. Hull, probably the first major empirical researcher in the field, wrote,

If a subject after submitting to the hypnotic procedure shows no genuine increase in susceptibility to any suggestions whatever, there seems no point in calling him hypnotised...

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