Medical research

Healthy, stress-busting fat found hidden in dirt

Thirty years after scientists coined the term "hygiene hypothesis" to suggest that increased exposure to microorganisms could benefit health, CU Boulder researchers have identified an anti-inflammatory fat in a soil-dwelling ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Susceptibility to disease develops during childhood

The human immune system forms during childhood. The "hygiene hypothesis" provides a widely regarded perspective on this. It postulates that improved hygiene, changes in agriculture and urbanization have caused our immune ...


How new ketamine drug helps with depression

On March 5, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first truly new medication for major depression in decades. The drug is a nasal spray called esketamine, derived from ketamine—an anesthetic that has made ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

In search of an Alzheimer's cure

For decades, the field of Alzheimer's research has been dominated by a major hypothesis: that a build-up of beta amyloid (amyloid-β) in the brain causes Alzheimer's disease. However, despite years of research and billions ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Hypothesis underpinning dementia research 'flawed'

A hypothesis which has been the standard way of explaining how the body develops Alzheimer's Disease for almost 30 years is flawed, according to a University of Manchester biologist.

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