
Always have room for dessert? Here's why

You're stuffed with cheese and olives, crackers and dips. Glazed ham, roast turkey, barbecued prawns. A million salads, roast veggies and your aunt's famous beans. So why is there always room for dessert?


Mind-over-matter to curtail calories

(HealthDay)—Your surroundings can play a big role when it comes to overeating. Learning how you respond in various circumstances can help you curb the calories.


Bulgaria seizes contaminated eggs from Germany

Authorities in Bulgaria have seized a tonne of powdered eggs contaminated with the same chemical that has led to millions of poultry products being recalled across Europe, the country's food safety agency said Tuesday.


The scoop on avoiding 'brain freeze'

(HealthDay)—Gulping down a cold smoothie or giant scoop of ice cream sometimes leads to a fleeting severe headache known as "brain freeze."


Tips to curb nighttime eating

(HealthDay)—Are you a regular victim of the late-night snack attack? Mindlessly munching on chips or diving head first into a pint of ice cream?


Children's books may boost appetite for unhealthy food

Reading picture books aloud remains a cherished ritual of childhood – one enjoyed by adults and children alike, whether at bedtime, in pre-school, or during story hour at the public library.

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