Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Scientists create Parkinson's disease in a dish

A team of scientists led by The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute successfully created a human stem cell disease model of Parkinson's disease in a dish. Studying a pair of identical (monozygotic) twins, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why is educational achievement heritable?

New research, led by King's College London finds that the high heritability of exam grades reflects many genetically influenced traits such as personality, behaviour problems, and self-efficacy and not just intelligence.


Study of identical twins reveals type 2 diabetes clues

By studying identical twins, researchers from Lund University in Sweden have identified mechanisms that could be behind the development of type 2 diabetes. This may explain cases where one identical twin develops type 2 diabetes ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stronger early reading skills predict higher intelligence later

A new study of identical twins has found that early reading skill might positively affect later intellectual abilities. The study, in the journal Child Development, was conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh ...

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