Psychology & Psychiatry

"Body recognition" compares with fingerprint ID

(Medical Xpress)—University of Adelaide forensic anatomy researchers are making advances in the use of "body recognition" for criminal and missing persons cases, to help with identification when a face is not clearly shown.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Facial recognition is possible even if part of the face is covered

The need to accurately identify people is important for security (and for not embarrassing yourself by hugging strangers). It was cited as the main reason for excluding and restricting the movements of individuals wearing ...


Denmark ends forced sterilisation for sex change

The Danish parliament on Wednesday scrapped a law requiring people to be sterilised as part of the sex change procedure before they could be legally recognised as another gender.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Distance influences accuracy of eyewitness IDs

Eyewitness accuracy declines steadily and quite measuredly as the distance increases. Additionally, a good deal of guess work or so-called "false alarms" also comes into play as the distance increases. These findings have ...


Reducing medical errors with wireless technologies

Medical mistakes happen every day, even with the best doctors and nurses. One way to reduce medical errors is to adopt new wireless technologies that improve health care and reduce costs, according to researchers with Virginia ...


Blood-tracking device uses new technology

(HealthDay)—The first device to use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to help workers track blood products and prevent the release of unsuitable samples has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Forensic sciences are 'fraught with error'

A target article recently published in Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (JARMAC) reviews various high-profile false convictions. It provides an overview of classic psychological research on expectancy and ...

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