
Increasing use of internet to buy and sell drugs

Findings from the latest Illicit Drug Monitoring System (IDMS) study show 72 per cent of frequent drug users report increased buying and selling drugs via social media and encrypted websites.


Feds worry that low-income people may not get hepatitis cure

Confronting the consequences of high-priced drugs, the Obama administration Thursday pointedly reminded states that they cannot legally restrict access by low-income people to revolutionary cures for liver-wasting hepatitis ...


Teen marijuana use down despite greater availability

Marijuana use among American high school students is significantly lower today than it was 15 years ago, despite the legalization in many states of marijuana for medical purposes, a move toward decriminalization of the drug ...


Prescription drugs play an increased role in traffic deaths

As states across the country explore the relaxation of marijuana laws, the changes have sparked widespread debate about the actions' impact on public safety. According to a West Virginia University School of Public Health ...

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