
Texans back easing state restrictions on marijuana

Texans overwhelmingly support proposals to ease state restrictions on both the medical and recreational use of marijuana, with 82% supportive of legislation that would legalize marijuana for a wide range of medical treatments.


Both types of THC get you high—so why is only one illegal?

One is an illegal drug found in marijuana while the other is marketed as a safe herbal alternative. But the claimed differences between them aren't backed by science, a group of UConn researchers report on Nov. 1 in Drug ...


FDA warns of dangers from skin lightening creams

Skin lightening products can be dangerous for consumers when they contain harmful ingredients that are illegal for over-the-counter sales, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday.


Cannabis legalization boosts use by double-digits

Residents of states where cannabis has been legalized use marijuana 24% more frequently than those living in states where it remains illegal, according to new research published today in the journal Addiction.

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