
Help for chocoholics

Does a bowl full of luscious Lindt balls make you drool? Or can you learn to turn those cravings into other thoughts?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teach yourself everyday happiness with imagery training

Flashbacks of scenes from traumatic events often haunt those suffering from psychiatric conditions, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). "The close relationship between the human imagery system and our emotions ...


Here's what we can learn from people with synaesthesia

Imagine what the world would be like if numbers had specific spatial locations, music had shapes, or colours made sounds. Perhaps you'd experience the bass in the Jamie xx track Gosh as cuboid, metallic and heavy, with spiralling ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Imagination beats practice in boosting visual search performance

Practice may not make perfect, but visualization might. New research shows that people who imagined a visual target before having to pick it out of a group of distracting items were faster at finding the target than those ...

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