Radiology & Imaging

Major advance in 3D ultrasound imaging to observe entire organs

Two successive studies by the Physics for Medicine Paris laboratory (ESPCI Paris-PSL, Inserm, CNRS) highlight advances in non-invasive 3D ultrasound imaging, making it possible to observe blood flow in real time in two whole ...


Assessing connections in the brain's reading network

When we read, information zips between language processing centers in different parts of the brain, traveling along neural highways in the white matter. This coordinated activity allows us to decipher words and comprehend ...

Biomedical technology

Making health and motion sensing devices more personal

Previous definitions of "well-being," limited to taking a brisk walk and eating a few more vegetables, feel in many ways like a distant past. Shiny watches and sleek rings now measure how we eat, sleep, and breathe, calling ...

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