Oncology & Cancer

Research discovers potential new Rx target for colon cancer

Genetic research conducted at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine and Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center demonstrated for the first time that a novel protein can cause normal cells in the lining of the colon to become malignant, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Anchoring ABL for a better fate

Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) is a cancer of the white blood cells that is most commonly found in adults and in the elderly. Its incidence has been estimated to be 1 to 2 in 100,000 people. CML was the first cancer to ...

Medical research

Telomere length influences cancer cell differentiation

Researchers from the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research in Tokyo have discovered that forced elongation of telomeres (extensions on the end of chromosomes) promotes the differentiation of cancer cells, probably reducing ...

Oncology & Cancer

Immortality gene mutation identifies brain tumors, other cancers

Newly identified mutations in a gene that makes cells immortal appear to play a pivotal role in three of the most common types of brain tumors, as well as cancers of the liver, tongue and urinary tract, according to research ...


Not dead yet: Junk DNA is back

A controversy at last: most of our DNA is junk, no it isn't, yes it is. Actually, I think it is – up to 90% really is junk.

Medical research

Longevity gene makes Hydra immortal and humans grow older

Why do we get older? When do we die and why? Is there a life without ageing? For centuries, science has been fascinated by these questions. Now researchers from Kiel (Germany) have examined why the polyp Hydra is immortal ...


US cryonics founder dies, has body frozen

Robert Ettinger, founder of a movement that advocates storing bodies at ultra-low temperatures after death until new technology allows them to be revived, has died and his body frozen at the institute he founded, his family ...

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