
New approach tests the strength of immunity

The immune system orchestrates large and small scale attacks on innumerous targets: viruses, bacteria, cancer, but it also misfires causing allergy or autoimmune reactions. Compounding the problem, not every immune reaction ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Tick spit protein may trigger allergic reactions

Ticks have had millions of years to figure out how to bite without triggering their victims' immune response. Proteins in the arachnids' spit evolved to manipulate immune cells so that the bloodsuckers can suck blood and ...


How the immune system can alter our behavior

Simply the smell of seafood can make those with an allergy to it violently ill—and therefore more likely to avoid it. The same avoidance behavior is exhibited by people who develop food poisoning after eating a certain ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Team finds biomarkers to diagnose serious kidney allergic reaction

A team led by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers says it has identified two protein biomarkers in urine that may one day be used to better diagnose acute interstitial nephritis (AIN), an underdiagnosed but treatable kidney ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study sheds light on a herpesvirus lurking in the connective tissue

It was previously believed that herpesviruses use certain body cells to replicate and other body cells to remain dormant, that is to remain inactive for a longer period of time. This dogma is now being questioned using the ...

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