
Enzyme's alter ego helps activate the immune system

Already known to cut proteins, the enzyme SPPL3 turns out to have additional talents, according to a new study from Johns Hopkins. In its newly discovered role, SPPL3 works without cutting proteins to activate T cells, the ...


Occasional heroin use may worsen HIV infection

Researchers at Yale and Boston University and their Russian collaborators have found that occasional heroin use by HIV-positive patients may be particularly harmful to the immune system and worsens HIV disease, compared to ...

Inflammatory disorders

A cause of age-related inflammation found

As animals age, their immune systems gradually deteriorate, a process called immunosenescence. It is associated with systemic inflammation and chronic inflammatory disorders, as well as with many cancers. The causes underlying ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A positive boost to the immune system

(Medical Xpress)—A positive attitude can improve your immune system and may help you live longer, according to a University of Queensland study.

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer immunotherapy on the cusp

Glass crystals with thread-like filaments floating inside sit in the offices of two prominent immunologists. The clear blocks encase models of the structure of PD-1/PD-L1, a receptor-ligand pair that rides on the surface ...

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